Catalogue des films de « Per K. Kirkegaard »

3 films
Sumé - The Sound of a Revolution
Montage | Danemark, Norvège | 2014

In 1973 Greenland had been a part of the Kingdom of Denmark for over 200 years. The only formal education available to the country’s inhabitants was 4,000 kilometres away in Denmark. Here, far away from home, a young generation of Greenlanders...

TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away From Keyboard
Image | Suède, Danemark | 2012

It’s the day before the trial starts. Fredrik packs a computer into a rusty old Volvo. Along with his Pirate Bay co-founders, he faces $13 million in damage claims to Hollywood in a copyright infringement case. Fredrik is on his way to install a...

Montage | Danemark | 2010

Amradillo directly describes the growing cynicism and the adrenaline addiction among young soldiers at war. Mads and Daniel are sent to Afghanistan for their first mission as soldiers. They have to help the Afghan people but the harsher the...