Catalogue des films de « Nicolas Rey »

Postal address :

9 films
Brûle la mer
Image | France | 2014

"Burning the Sea" stands at the paradoxical crossroads between the lively energy of a revolution in progress, the momentum of a departure to Europe, and the violence of a welcome declined. The film targets what constitutes the sensitive framework...

Autrement, la Molussie
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son, Montage | France | 2012

“We don’t elect people we like, but like those we elect.” A film in nine chapters, shown in random order and based on fragments from Günther Anders’s “The Molussian Catacomb,” (1932–1936). Prisoners of an imaginary fascist State,...

Fleurs noires
Image | France | 2010

La mémoire de la bombe atomique et de ses terribles effets constitue l'identité de la ville de Hiroshima, reconstruite autour du Parc du Mémorial de la Paix. Mais l'herbe a repoussé et le temps a effacé les traces de la désolation...

Ami, entends-tu
Image | France | 2010

Poetry, as a knife, dissects times. From Kronstadt frozen sea to Moscow, rumbles the noise oftime. From the still edges of the town to the very heart, some voices guide us through poems, narratives or documents. We hear Osip and Nadejda...

Le Battement d'ailes d'un papillon
Image | France, Ukraine | 2008

Muybridge’s chronophotographs, the theatre and its shadows, Tarkovski’s Nostalgia, a deceased friend, a collective film never finished and mislaid somewhere in the Kiev studios, a lapse of memory in a train, veils superposed, the first image,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Schuss !
Auteur-Réalisateur, Producteur délégué | France | 2005

A film that starts like an odd documentary on ski resorts suddenly declares its subject to be aluminium. And it's all downhill from there, evoking in chapters the history of capitalism in the 20th century, the death of the God Progress in the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Soviets plus l'électricité
Auteur-Réalisateur, Producteur délégué | France | 2001

Wandering through Russia as if through someone else's house. "Day two is the worst. It was the same in the train : on the second day, I stamped my feet impatiently. Then, from the third day on, it gets better. You get used to the slowness, to the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Opera mundi ou le temps des survêtements
Auteur-Réalisateur, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | France | 1999

Ni thème, ni système. Capter des moments de réel, selon ses désirs, sans préjuger de la cohérence de l'ensemble. Se promener. Faire confiance aux images et aux sons. Lentement, en confrontant les premiers éléments, mettre à jour ce que...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Postier de nuit
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1995

During Christmas season, the post-office's nights of Paris-Louvre which is open 24 hours a day, develop all elements that are already present in the post-office. Problems are more pointed or even sharper. Urgency is often a common matter. It is a...