Catalogue des films de « Marie-Violaine Brincard »

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2 films
Si j'existe, je ne suis pas un autre
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son | France | 2013

Hocine, David, Seta, Sofian, all aged about twenty, are taking lessons in an unusual class in the Paris suburb of Bondy in order to reintegrate a standard sixth form class. Bodybuilding, arithmetic or set-making for a play they will put on — the...

Au nom du Père, de tous, du ciel
Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage | France | 2010

From April till July 1994, in Rwanda, a few Hutu resist to the genocidal terror and decide to shelter and to save Tutsi. Today, in spite of symbolic attempts of recognition, they are always marginalized: traitors for some people and potential...