Catalogue des films de « John Zecca »

3 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment L’ Angleterre de Martin Amis
Son | France | 2013

The writer Martin Amis is known for acerbic and penetrating novels that dissect the contemporary world. In this image-rich film, directed by award-winning filmmaker Mark Kidel, Amis explores his sense of what it is to be English. Amis...

Karole Armitage
Son | France, Allemagne | 1997

Karole Armitage is one of the most original contemporary choreographers. Her style is renowned for the vituosity of its movement to a very rapid beat, blending the influences of classical ballet (in which she trained), modern dance, rock and rap....

Edgar Varèse
Son | France | 1995

Varèse's music is about shock, surprise, confrontation and discontinuity. His personality, difficult and passionnate, is inseparable from his unique explorations which have become key contributions to the music of this century. In combining...