Catalogue des films de « Jean-François Chevalier »

3 films
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Son | France | 2008

La France est le pays européen qui possède la plus forte densité de grandes surfaces par habitant. On y trouve à peu près tout ce qui peut s’acheter. La plupart des enseignes qui se trouvent sur notre territoire appartiennent à 7 grands...

Georges Prêtre
Son | France | 2008

Georges Prêtre was chosen by the musicians of the Vienna Philharmonic to conduct the 2008 New Year’s Concert. He is the first French conductor to have the honor and good fortune to perform this concert, which is broadcasted in 54 countries. He...

Le Génie du mal
Son | France | 2003

In 1987, Alexandre L. Lokchine died. In March 2002, an official document delivered by the Security Services exonerates him completely. The film is built around both A. Lokchine and his son's story who fought for his recognition, searching the...