Catalogue des films de « Florent Jullien »

13 films
La Gamine, l'abruti, l'idiote, le crétin et le jardin
Son | 2014

Since the beginning of this century, the garden is in vogue in our western countries. What are the features of this place that could explain its regained popularity? What does the garden tell us about our relation to the world? How does spending...

Son | France | 2010

"Geneva-Khartoum is a reflection on what makes our lives rich or poor . Based on a comparison between these two cities that have coexisted in the director’s life, Geneva-Khartoum reminds us of the differences in living standards and values...

À d'autres
Image, Son, Montage | France | 2010

100 photos de Guy Le Querrec comme un jeu de cartes, à prendre, regarder, toucher, mettre en scène, dessiner, découper, manipuler, écouter, raconter.

Les Enfants du Nil
Son | France | 2006

A personal view on the work of the association ASASE in Sudan. An account of an admirable work in a country forgotten for too long by the media.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Portait-lettre
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2004

Regards intimes, sur mes ami(e)s, sur moi-même aussi, mais surtout sur la relation que j’ai avec eux.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Questions d'amour
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2003

A love letter to the woman loved. Landscapes, journeys, skies, super 8 films, the children, the sea, Paris, Ouessant, Brazil, the Pyrenees, Venice, the peninsula and the train, the train. She is in the shower, she is singing a tune, she is...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Scintillements
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2002

Facing the camera, but never looking straight at it, a man – the film-maker– handles photos scattered on a table, takes one, then another, and, in discovered snatches, he pieces together the stages of a now dead passion. This elementary device...

Un passeport hongrois
Image, Son | France, Belgique | 2001

A Brazilian filmmaker, living in Paris for 10 years, decides to look for her deep Jewish and Hungarian roots, by going the opposite way to her grand parents en 1937, (Budapest to Rio). Parallel to the story told by her grand mother, she...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Dix Minutes
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 1998

The last ten minutes before the departure of the train that is taking way the woman I love.

Adiu monde
Image | France | 1997

Altough in stories told nothing is always entirely true of false, love stories have withstood all throughout time : moutains, folklore, lies and withdrawal. At present "Adiu monde", shot in the Pyrénées, echoes rumor, oral tradition, gossip and...

13 films