Catalogue des films de « Éva Lova-Bély »

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5 films
Île était une fois...
Auteur-Réalisateur, Son | France, Madagascar, Réunion (île de la) | 2021

Une invitation au voyage dans les deux îles du réalisateur, celle où il vit, La Réunion, et celle où il a grandi, Madagascar. Ce carnet de voyage nous mène à la rencontre de Réunionnais et de Malgaches qui sont confrontés à des règles...

Aza Kivy
Auteur-Réalisateur | Madagascar, Réunion (île de la) | 2020

"They want to dig us up, to spoil you, starve you, make you thirsty, poison you ... be brave, we're fighting by your side!" These could be the message of the people of the sea's ancestors to Edmond and those who are fighting against a big...

Zanaka - Ainsi parlait Félix
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | Madagascar, France | 2019

"If some want to perpetuate colonization, Malagasy people must oppose a strong "no", whoever the colonists are"! Thus spoke Felix Robson, our grandfather to all. Like so many others, Felix fought during the March 29, 1947 uprising to reclaim...

Ady Gasy
Image | France, Madagascar | 2014

"The Chinese make things, the Malagasy fix them". Just for the time of a film, let’s have fun reversing roles. Let’s imagine it isn’t for the economists to demonstrate their growth model anymore, but for the farmers, artists, craftsmen and...

Avec presque rien…
Image, Montage | Madagascar, France | 2013

'With almost nothing you can do things", Gaby told me, a retired soldier who recuperates piles of scrap metal to make wheelbarrows. Behind my camera, I take an uncondescending look at my compatriots, those who, with only their physical strength...