Catalogue des films de « Eric Ghersinu »

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7 films
Joyeux Développement
Son | France | 2019

In Cambodia’s countryside, farmers mow with a sickle under the sun. In Phnom Penh, female textile workers demonstrate. "Happy Âphivoat" portrays the country’s development, shifting from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy, and it’s...

Le Village
Son | France | 2019

A documentary series, a singular format to recount the surprising adventures of a village in the South of France. For years, Claire Simon set up her camera in the only street in Lussas, which, like the Hollywood studios, brings together all the...

Adieu à l'Afrique
Son | Suisse | 2017

In 2009 the body of Alice B is found washed up on an African beach. Next to the corpse of the white, 30-year old European woman lie those of a dozen black migrants. Eight years after this tragedy, Pierre-Alain Meier travels to Senegal in the hope...

Son | France | 2016

Une femme est sous une glycine, un après-midi de printemps, elle attend un homme qui ne viendra plus. Un homme boxe seul, farouchement. Un autre, mutique, porte un lourd fagot et allume un feu dans la brume. Un chef d'orchestre orchestre le...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Si tout va bien
Son | Suisse | 2015

Sometimes, we need another life. Alone, we simply can’t deal with it anymore… Then, someone shows up, ready to share… We were lost and we can be saved all of a sudden. Then the daily conquest of this new life allowed by someone else begins....

La Fin de l'innocence (1)
Son | Suisse | 2010

Twelve-year-old Virgine, Xavier, Aurélie, Thys, Mélanie, Jordann and Rachel approach adolescence full of dreams but also with anxiety. They feel that they are changing and that it is time to assert themselves, especially as regards their...

Le Théâtre des opérations
Son | France, Suisse | 2007

A documentary film on the initiation rites of an apprentice surgeon in the operating block at a university hospital. To witness the steps of this process is to discover a strange and foreign world in which we are transient guests. The operating...