Catalogue des films de « Dumisani Phakathi »

2 films
Lâche-moi, j'ai 51 frères et sœurs !
Auteur-Réalisateur | France, Afrique du Sud | 2004

Dumisani Phakathi, had a larger than life father that he hardly knew. Football scout, taxi company owner, part-time gangster, the father spawned Dumisani and his 52 brothers and sisters. This is a film about Dumisani, born in the seventies, the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Amicalement vôtre
Auteur-Réalisateur | Afrique du Sud, France | 2001

"Wa n'wina" is a love letter from filmmaker Dumisani Phakathi to his street in Soweto. It is the celebration of life amidst the pervading pronouncement of doom, a recognition that people are people first before they are statistics. It is the...