Catalogue des films de « Dhia Jerbi »

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4 films
Pourquoi la mer rit-elle ?
Image | France | 2019

I have read one day the story of an aboriginal legend according to which, each ancestor leaves behind him a sinuous path full of songs and spirit-children. When a person walks along the trail of his ancestor, it brings back the songs and stories...

Au pays des oranges tristes
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son, Montage | France | 2018

This is a letter from a father to his son whose birth questions paternity, exile and inheritance in a small apartment that turns into a meeting space for three generations, torn between Tunisia and France.

Avant le départ
Montage | France | 2018

I’m nostalgic for a country I’ve never known. My grandmother left Tunisia in 1967. Fifty years later, I decided to return and told her. Jew ? Arab ? French ? How can we love each other if we don’t agree on what makes us up ?

Là où je suis
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son, Montage | France | 2018

Figures de refus - dire - là où je suis - société d'aujourd'hui - affirmer - figurer...