Catalogue des films de « Blaise Harrison »

Coordonnées :

11 films
Le Chœur
Image | France | 2022

During an interview, sopranos, tenors, basses and mezzos indulge in a particular exercise of introspection under the eye of a film crew that came to meet them. They talk about their job, their life as a chorister, the power of the voice, the...

In Art We Trust
Image | Suisse, France | 2017

With a touch of irony, this movie paints the portrait of a mysterious occupation, often seen as sacred by some, and disparaged or considered pretentious by others. By questioning the ambitions, the doubts, the strategies, the compromises, the hard...

Armand, New York
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage, Musique originale, Producteur délégué, Distributeur | France | 2016

Leading character of Blaise Harrison's first documentary "Armand 15 ans l'été", Armand confides during a brief stay in New York five years later, his most personal thoughts that animate his thoughts of a 20 years old young man in full...

Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2013

Une petite ville nichée au milieu d’étendues neigeuses. Dans une salle agitée, des musiciens s'échauffent. Cacophonie. Le chef demande le silence. Près d'une rivière, un vieil homme pêche à l’aube, attentif. Plus loin, une bande...

A Short Lesson In Cinema : The Documentary
Image | Suisse | 2013

C'est une conversation à deux, à la fois joyeuse et profonde, entre une jeune fille et le réalisateur qui a choisi de faire son portrait. Au fond, c’est quoi, un documentaire ? Comme dans un jeu de poupées russes, deux films s’emboîtent,...

La Mort de Danton
Image | France | 2011

Steve has decided to become an actor. For three years, he took acting classes at Le Cours Simon, a renowned French drama school. Steve comes from a sensitive Parisian suburb, he’s black and dreams of playing the part of a French revolutionary...

Armand 15 ans l'été
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | France | 2011

Summer, a small town in the South of France. School is coming to a close, the kids shout excitedly and send each other texts. Armand is 15; he's different. Fatter, more camp, more exuberant and yet more secretive than the others. For him, summer...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Rêve de Chine
Image | Suisse | 2009

Muriel, Camille and Bénédicte leave their village in the canton of Fribourg and move to China, where their father is setting up a factory. The family makes their home in the Suzhou Industrial Park, an ultramodern district in a city not far from...

Back To Christopolis
Image | Suisse, Libéria | 2008

In Liberia, three former child soldiers invite us into their lives and show us how challenging it is for them to reintegrate the post civil war society. As they struggle to fight a discrimination, which is rarely talked about, they stand as an...

21 000 Innocents
Image | Suisse | 2008

In Liberia, three former child soldiers invite us into their lives, where we experience firsthand the challenges of their reintegration into post civil war society. A former rebel turned soldier in the army of President Taylor, Sam graduated from...

11 films