Catalogue des films de « François Chilowicz »

Coordonnées :

21 films
Dans la tête d'un flic
Auteur-Réalisateur, Son, Montage | France | 2018

Qu’on l’aime ou qu’on ne l’aime pas, la police demeure une courroie de transmission essentielle au bon fonctionnement de la vie sociale. Durant leur service, les policiers obéissent aux ordres et sont forcément du côté du pouvoir en...

Quartier impopulaire
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son | France | 2017

Toulouse's Le Mirail is one of France's biggest hot spots. Crime, rioting, religion, and terrorism... I get the idea that confusion rules, in the ghetto. The gap is widening, and some say it'll never close. I want to know what people here really...

Hors la loi
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Son | France | 2012

What is the use of prison? The three films follow the full judicial course of six defendants implicated by Justice, from their arrest until their jail release. Following the proceedings, through police, justice and detention places, the film...

Des hommes en vrai
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2009

As far back as humanity can remember, the destiny of the world has been ruled by men, those of the male gender. But, today, at a time when we can travel to outer space as easily as we destroy our own planet, something has changed on Earth. This...

Profession femme de ménage
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2008

Cleaning women: they are everywhere, yet their existence often goes all but unnoticed. Though this unskilled profession may be looked down upon socially, it is one of the first that women turn to when there is nothing else they can do....

Violences conjugales
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2006

Des pressions psychologiques les plus insidieuses aux agressions physiques les plus spectaculaires, les violences conjugales ont toujours la même issue : la négation de l’autre, voire sa destruction psychologique ou physique. Des femmes nous...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Une vie dans le ciel
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2006

A captain, two co-pilots and about ten stewardess and stewards fly away together, without knowing each other, far from everything, to the very end of the world. They take on the responsibility for the plane and its passengers. From the very first...

infirmieres Les Infirmières
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2004

Toulouse, hôpital Rangueil, service de soins intensifs de neurochirurgie... Cinquante infirmières et aides soignantes sont en charge de douze patients, tous alités dans des boxes de réanimation. Un travail dur et épuisant, mené par une...

Les Hommes du Labici B
Auteur-Réalisateur | France | 2003

From Calais, the 82-metre long cargo ship, the Labici B, sets out, flying the colours of Saint-Vincent, a small tax-free Caribbean island. Mirfak, who owns the vessel is a small Dutch company and Sucden is the french charterer. A voyage to Bejaia,...

Voisins Voisins
Auteur-Réalisateur, Distributeur | France | 2003

Why, after over 50 years, is Poland still considered as the most horrible land for the Jews? NEIGBOURS grew out of this one questioning: Why is it that Germany is no longer considered as nazi, while Poland is still considered as “polish”?...

21 films