Land Grabbing
( Landraub )

Kurt Langbein
2015 - 94 min - HD - Couleur - Autriche

English summary
"Buy land, they're not making it anymore." - Mark Twain's quote become of urgency.
The world’s farmland is at risk. Demand for land has soared as investors look for places to grow food for export, grow crops for bio-fuels or simply buy up land for profit. The film gives an inside look into the world of investors in the international agro-business and how the politics of the European Union is involved. Land Grabbing doesn't only happen in Asia and Africa, but also in Europe's breadbasket Romania. "Land Grabbing" takes a closer look into Europe and also challenges investors and their practices.

Auteur-Réalisateur : Kurt Langbein
Image : Christian Roth, Wolfgang Thaler, Attila Boa
Montage : Andrea Wagner
Producteur délégué : Langbein & Partner
Diffuseur coprod. : ORF (Österreichischer Rundfunk)


Distributeur : Autlook Filmsales