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641 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Malheurs de Sofia
Gueorgui Balabanov | France | 1999 | 60 mn

Communism fell just ten years ago. They were young and full of dreams. The country dreamed as well... Since then, everything has changed. "Les Malheurs de Sofia" is the portrait of crisis-stricken Bulgaria shown through the daily life of two...

Roman de femmes
Jean-Christophe Victor | France, Belgique | 1999 | 52 mn

"Writing is a country"... The writer Ricardo Montserrat decided in 1999 to go travelling with a group of women of foreign origin who live at Les Mureaux in the Paris suburbs. This "deliverer of words", as he calls himself, operates "without...

Les Mille Jours
Daniel Moreau | France | 1999 | 56 mn

The monastery of Tendaï is situated on the slopes of Mount Hiei, not far from Kyoto. Wearing a hat in the shape of a lotus flower, the aspiring Ajari covers in the silence of the night a circuit of thirty kilometers which stretches over three...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Family Secret
Pola Rapaport | France, États-Unis | 1999 | 58 mn

A brother and a sister meet again after living for forty years in ignorance of each other. Between them there is the face of the disappeared, enigmatic father. It all begins with a letter posted in Bucarest. Pierre is searching for the family of...

Ma cousine lointaine
Litsa Boudalika | Belgique, États-Unis, France, Israël | 1999 | 52 mn

Israël-Palestine. Against the background of the Intifada followed by a peace process... without peace, the film describes the points of view of two young women : Galit, the Israeli and Mervet, the Palestinian. Living 10 kilometres away from each...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Michel Butor, mobile
Pierre Coulibeuf | France | 1999 | 61 mn

An attempt to reconstitute a visit to writer Michel Butor. A few clues : a book, "La Modification" ; a group, the "Nouveau Roman" ; a trip to America ; a border... The film's "serial" structure calls for combinative activity and free...

Petite Rue de Saintonge
Céline Alcazar | France | 1999 | 90 mn

Sixty years after the Spanish Civil War, we hear two Republican combatants who have lived in Bordeaux since the Second World War. This documentary was dictated by the urgency of listening to the forgotten ones in order better to grasp the present.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Inventeurs de gestes
Frédéric Allinne | France | 1999 | 72 mn

Les coulisses d'un concours international de chorégraphes contemporains (le Concours Volinine, à Saint-Germain-en-Laye), d'étapes en étapes. L'occasion d'approcher l'exigence artistique et physique des danseurs au service des ces "inventeurs...

Sylvaine Dampierre, Bernard Gomez | France | 1998 | 57 mn

Fernand worked for 35 years for Renault. For 45 years he has been renting a garden at the end of the île Saint-Germain, opposite his factory which is closed today and destined to be demolished. There are 11 "end of the island gardeners" in all,...

Les Lettres de Toussainte
Nadine Fischer | France | 1998 | 60 mn

Born with this century, Toussainte Ottavi-Wurmser came from a village in the South of Corsica, Ventosa. In the 1920s, she began a career as a primary school teacher, first in Morocco, then in Indochina. She came back and retired in her village in...

641 films