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641 films
Un père américain
Jean-Baptiste Mathieu | France | 2012 | 55 mn

À travers l’histoire de sa propre famille où l’absence de père se transmet d’une génération à l’autre, le réalisateur cherche des réponses à une interrogation qui le hante : comment un enfant grandit-il sans son père ? Et comment...

Au bord du vide
Jean-Claude Cottet-Dumoulin | France | 2012 | 80 mn

François and Jean disappear into the wilds in order to satisfy their shared search for breathtaking sensations. A tour with uncertain trajectories which often end up facing the heights. Their only base is the van parked by the roadside.

Un été avec Anton
Jasna Krajinovic | Belgique | 2012 | 61 mn

Anton, 12, lives with his grandmother in the suburbs of Moscow. It is summertime and he works at home or plays with his friends. Soon he will join summer camp at Kaskad paramilitary school, which turns children into soldiers, and responds to...

Manon Ott, Grégory Cohen | France | 2012 | 46 mn

Shot on super 8, the film appears like a journey, a dream along the Narmada river in India, between myths of Progress and myths of the river. "Dams are the temples of modern India", claimed Nehru after the country's independance. Soon, one of the...

Les Âmes dormantes
Alexander Abaturov | France | 2012 | 51 mn

Atchinsk, Siberia, four thousand kilometres from Moscow. In an apartment block at the edge of town, the inhabitants pass each other on the staircase, hesitating to talk about this presidential campaign under way. Outside, the city rhythm is set by...

La Bouteille à la mer
Pierre-Yves Moulin | France | 2012 | 75 mn

Fred, 32 ans, a déjà une vie riche et bien remplie. Peu à peu, pourtant, cette vie s’est vidée de tout projet. Fred boit dix litres de bière par jour, qu’il paye en interprétant ses chansons dans la rue. Depuis un an, encouragé par sa...

Les Chebabs de Yarmouk
Axel Salvatori-Sinz | France | 2012 | 77 mn

The Shebabs have made up a small group of boys & girls since they were teens. Now on the eve of adulthood, they have a genuine thirst for life and for absolute, while being all confronted to intricate situations. Between the need for freedom and...

Être là
Régis Sauder | France | 2012 | 97 mn

"Where? The Baumettes prison in Marseille. More precisely, the medical and psychological unit, where women psychiatrists have deliberately chosen to work. Régis Sauder has decided to spend time with them, mostly in their practice in the unit, as...

Avenue Rivadavia
Christine Seghezzi | Argentine, France | 2012 | 67 mn

"Everything starts with a long travelling shot. Rivadavia Avenue in Buenos Aires, allegedly the longest in the world, could well offer nothing more than clichés of the Argentine capital: tango lessons and legendary café terraces, elegant...

Ton visage
Joële Van Effenterre | France | 2012 | 54 mn

Catherine B. à sa naissance avait une petit "défaut" sur le bout de son nez, mais ce n’est qu’à la naissance de son deuxième enfant qu’elle a développé un cancer… Elle affronte son destin, vit la défiguration et la reconstruction de...

641 films