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8189 films
Travail, Exil, Patrie
May Bouhada, Ludovic Vieuille | France | 2019 | 52 mn

Abou est arrivé en France à 16 ans, son chemin a croisé celui de May dans un train. Une rencontre que fabrique notre époque : celle d’un jeune mineur déshérité d’Abidjan et d’une citoyenne française. Dès lors, ensemble s’engage...

Le Temps long
Lou Colpé | Belgique | 2019 | 40 mn

I started filming my grandparents in 2007. I was fifteen years old. I really loved my grandfather a lot but as the years went by, I turned my camera more and more towards my grandmother who was suffering from a disturbing illness. Alzheimer. I...

City Plaza Hôtel
Anna-Paula Hönig, Violeta Paus | France | 2019 | 14 mn

Zhenos vit avec ses sœurs dans un hôtel squatté pour refugiés dans le centre d'Athènes. Elle a seulement 11 ans et a déjà vécue l’horreur. Elle et sa famille ont fui la guerre en Afghanistan. Loin de chez eux, ils essaient de construire...

Marlies Poeschl | France, Autriche | 2019 | 20 mn

Aurore is a voice without a body, she lives in a crack, resides on the interface. At a retirement home in the south of Paris, she’s engaged to keep people company. Technically though, she can work in many places at once. Wherever Aurore appears,...

Little America
Marc Weymuller | France | 2019 | 110 mn

On the island of Santa-Maria, in the Azores, we witness the end of a particular world. Once internationally famous for its airport, there is now only a residential neighbourhood, gradually falling into ruins. It used to be called Little America....

Pourquoi la mer rit-elle ?
Aude Fourel | France | 2019 | 58 mn

I have read one day the story of an aboriginal legend according to which, each ancestor leaves behind him a sinuous path full of songs and spirit-children. When a person walks along the trail of his ancestor, it brings back the songs and stories...

Retour au village
Flora Pesenti | France | 2019 | 28 mn

"Back to the village" is about the difficulties some people have to endure to move into small Corsican villages, victims of the rural exodus and the real estate speculation.

Island Road
Francescu Artily | France | 2019 | 73 mn

The Isle de Jean Charles is found on the Bayou, in southeast Louisiana. The location is currently inhabited by descendants of Choctaw, Biloxi and Chitimacha Native American tribes representing fifty residents or so. Since the 18th century, fishing...

Point final
Basile Remaury | France | 2019 | 49 mn

Un écrivain achève le troisième volet d'une trilogie de science-fiction, clamant son texte en temps réel jusqu'au point final. Le film accompagne l’auteur dans cet état second de l'écriture où réel et imaginaire fusionnent.

La Moisson de mon ami
Marceau Bretonnier | France | 2019 | 19 mn

"My friend's harvest" is the documentary and intimate account of a friendship. The one of the filmmaker and his peasant friend. Both are inhabited by a painting they had studied years earlier in an art history class: "The Harvest" by Bruegel the...

8189 films