
Catalogue des films

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3994 films
Woodstock à Tombouctou
Désirée Von Trotha | Allemagne | 2012 | 90 mn

In January 2011 the International Festival au Desert took place over three days in the dunes of Timbuktu, Mali, in West Africa. Hosted by the Tuareg or Kel Tamasheq, as they call themselves, the festival is the ideal setting for an encounter. In...

Words aren't Enough
Nicolas Thiébaut | France | 2002 | 26 mn

Bruce Clarke is a militant artist and his painting is plentiful, using techniques of collage, subjects of contemporary politics. He is working on the production of a "memorial sculpture" relative to the Rwandan genocide.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Workshop William Kentridge
Tania Nasielski | Belgique | 2000 | 8 mn

May 2000. In the context of the Arts Biennial in Dakar, William Kentridge – a South African draughtsman, filmmaker and director – is invited to lead a workshop in film animation through the initiative of the Graphoui group. Eleven artists from...

Woubi chéri
Philip Brooks, Laurent Bocahut | France | 1998 | 62 mn

This documentary looks at gay life in contemporary Africa. In "Woubi chéri", the "branchés" gays of the Ivory Coast tell their own stories, bringing a new sense of gay and lesbian life as it has never been seen before - its humour, emotions,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Wrestling In Dakar
Edward Porembny | Pologne, France | 2012 | 90 mn

The documentary follows the endeavors of 5 young Senegalese who, although they are friends, compete to be chosen by a famous female wrestling promoter, to become the next wrestling champion. Mixing love and hate, and hopes, disillusions and...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Wrong Elements
Jonathan Littell | Allemagne, Belgique, France | 2016 | 133 mn

In 1989 in Uganda Joseph Kony formed a new rebel movement against the government, the LRA. His army developed over the years through the abduction of adolescents. Geofrey, Nighty and Mike, a group of buddies, as well as Lapisa were among the young...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Wrong Side of the Bus
Rod Freedman | Australie | 2009 | 52 mn

Sidney Bloch, an internationally recognised professor of psychiatry from Melbourne Australia, returns to Cape Town for his medical school reunion. Sid has suffered from a troubled conscience for forty years and wants to resolve his guilt for...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Xalima la plume
Ousmane William Mbaye | France | 2004 | 51 mn

Founder of modern Senegalese folk, Seydina Insa Wade was highly respected in the 1970s being regarded as one of his country’s musical “monsters”. He took his inspiration from the deepest roots Senegalese folklore including tales from his...

Y'a pas de problème !
Laurence Gavron | France, Burkina Faso | 1995 | 64 mn

A panorama of the situation, both economic and artistic, of cinematography in the African continent, in a impressionistic and subjective mode, with the help of extracts from films and interviews with film-makers, actors and producers such as Ola...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Yaa Bôé
Dominique Avron, Jean-Bernard Brunet | France | 1975 | 8 mn

Visual decolonisation.

3994 films