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Une formation pour l'action Série-Collection : Portraits de campagne

Snaï Interlégator
1997 - 13 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

The association AFMR-Etcharry, situated in the heart of the Basque country, offers training for adults in the rural context such as the BTS in farming. Etcharry bases its training on the very strong link between training and work in the field. Another particularity of this training centre is its very strong integration within the development strategies of the region.
It accompanies the projects of each person and thus supported the creation of a cooperative of sucking lambs and the reorganisation of a disused factory for the production of the famous Etorki cheese... The Etcharry training centre receives groups from all over France and also from abroad.

Author-Director : Snaï Interlégator
Author : Françoise Marie
Delegate Producer : Solera & Cie
Co-producer : Ina (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel)
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Cinquième
Broadcasting Sale : France 3
Contribution : Procirep, CNC


Distributor : Tanguera films
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