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( Obra Maestra )

Santiago Otheguy
2016 - 29 min - HD - Couleur - France

Artist Haby Bonomo survived a cancer on the base of his tongue. Nowadays he keeps working relentlessly, even though he breathes and speaks with great difficulty. In his studio, his excruciating breathing goes along with the intimate gesture of the artist as he creates his images in a hypnotic process. Drawings and texts written during his hospitalization come out from the past, telling the story of the vital ordeal of those years. Masterpiece conveys the humbleness and the unforeseen vital force of a man who has seen in his own face the reflection of death itself.

Author-Director : Santiago Otheguy
Photography : Santiago Otheguy
Sound : Matthieu Tibi
Editing : Santiago Otheguy
Original Music : Vincent Artaud
Delegate Producer : Ezequiel Entelman


Distributor : Santiago Otheguy
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