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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Outdoor Screenings Turn me on

Turn me on
Marc Huraux
2007 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 80'

1967 is the year when the "movement" known as "counter-culture" became a visible phenomenon, an object of mass-mediation that in turn gave way to a widespread mass phenomenon, which one could call the bohemian mass. This film revisits the scene of the "crime", its circumstances and its protagonists. It sometimes takes the shape of a particularly unique time machine; by allowing the recollections of this past moment return to me in memory, the perspective suddenly reversed: I began to observe the current landscape as a parallel future viewed from a forty year old window.

Photography : Marc Huraux, Richard Prost, Alain Vierre
Sound : Jean Umansky, Julien Cloquet
Editing : Marc Huraux, Gabriel Humaux
Production : Les Films d’Ici (catherine.roux@lesfilmsdici.fr, +33 (0)1 44 52 23 23)
Distribution : Les Films d’Ici (catherine.roux@lesfilmsdici.fr, +33 (0)1 44 52 23 23)