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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Kamal Aljafari Recollection

Kamal Aljafari
2015 - Palestine/Allemagne - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 70'

The Israeli and American features shot in the town of Jaffa from the sixties to the nineties are the basis for the story of a dream. All protagonists are removed from the original footage, leaving an empty setting formed by the town. Someone is returning to Jaffa, as he might to any place after a catastrophe. He knows everything. He is myself, my grandparents who were on their way to Beirut and returned because there was a storm, a photographer, a composite of every figure in the margins. Memory itself, filming. The memory of all the background it rescues from the screen. Effets visuel [Visual Effects] : Daniel Franke

Photography : Kamal Aljafari
Sound : Jacob Kirkegaard, Gilles Benardeau
Editing : Kamal Aljafari
Production : Kamal Aljafari