SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Everything Must Change
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Viewing Experiences Everything Must Change

Everything Must Change ( Che tutto cambi )
Lucile Mons
2014 - France - Couleur - 61'

Giandomenico and Felice live in Sicily, in Belpasso, on Mount Etna. In Belpasso, lots of churches, lots of bars, a few shops and lots of cars. In Belpasso, more than 60 % of young people are unemployed. Giandomenico and Felice are almost thirty-five. One of them wants to leave for Bologna, the other has just come back from Paris. They are full of life, of desires and expectations. They're just men trying to live where nothing is possible, where the future can't even be dreamt of.

Photography : Pierre Boffety
Sound : Daniel Capeille
Editing : Santi Minasi
Production : Candela productions, TV Tours