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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Open air Donkey Skin

Donkey Skin
Jacques Demy
1970 - France - Couleur - 89'

A King, married to the most beautiful of queens, promises her as she lies dying to only remarry a woman even more beautiful than her. However only the couple’s daughter can match such beauty. The King decides then to marry her. The Princess resists, thanks to the ideas and cunning tricks of her godmother, the Fairy, by asking for the most extravagant clothes.

Photography : Ghislain Cloquet
Sound : André Hervée
Editing : Anne-Marie Cotret
Music : Michel Legrand
Interpretation : Catherine Deneuve, Jean Marais, Delphine Seyrig, Jacques Perrin
Production : Parc Film - Marianne Productions