SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Nicaragua 3: In Their Time
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Marc Karlin Nicaragua 3: In Their Time

Nicaragua 3: In Their Time
Marc Karlin
1985 - Royaume-Uni - Couleur - 70'

This third film focuses on the daily working life of the journalists and photographers of Barricada, the official publication of the Sandinista National Liberation Front. The film observes the dilemmas of putting socialism into practice through reports on the war, the economy, the prison system and the political process leading up to the 1984 elections. Rather than foregrounding the Sandinista leadership, these films speak from the grassroots, both urban and rural.

Author : Marc Karlin
Photography : Jonathan Bloom
Sound : Melanie Chait, John Anderton, Eddie Lacayo
Editing : Brand Thumim
Production : Marc Karlin, Lusia Films, Channel 4