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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Outdoor Sceenings Struggle Isn't for Anybody

Struggle Isn't for Anybody ( La lutte n'est pas pour tous... )
Guillaume Kozakiewiez
2011 - France/Belgique - Couleur - 91'

For almost a year, supported by the Landless Workers’ Movement, six hundred farmer families have illegally occupied land in Vale do Salitre, in the Northeast Region of Brazil... In the film, two crucial years in the life of Naïara, a teen-aged girl who wants to change the world, are recalled. The story of a Brazilian girl of the early 21st century is also the timeless and universal story that leads each of us to leave behind the world of childhood and enter the adult world: a hazardous initiation journey consisting in gaining one’s freedom while losing one’s innocence.

Photography : Guillaume Kozakiewiez
Sound : Guillaume Kozakiewiez
Editing : Guillaume Kozakiewiez, Susana Rossberg
Production : .Mille et Une. Films, Need Productions
Distribution : .Mille et Une. Films (distribution@mille-et-une-films.fr, +33 (0)2 23 44 03 59)