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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Plein air La Chasse au Snark

La Chasse au Snark
François-Xavier Drouet
2013 - France - Couleur - 100'

In Belgium, type 3 teaching groups together children judged unadjusted to the classical school system because of behavioural difficulties. Founded in 1973 in La Louvière as a self-managing project for non-repressive education, the Snark campus welcomes around thirty of those children, housed in its boarding school building. Filmed over a full school year, this keyhole view zooms in on the youths’ antisocial behavior and the staff’s difficult balancing act. Students/staff relationships wear to a frazzle. The need for repair is constant. All counseling is fraught with tension which can explode anytime.

Photography : François-Xavier Drouet
Sound : Bruno Schweisguth
Editing : Cédric Jouan
Music : Frédéric D. Oberland
Production : Kingdom, À vif cinémas (cpostic@free.fr, + 33 (0)6 51 22 77 20)
Distribution : Kingdom (mogazin@hotmail.fr)