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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Michael Grigsby I Was a Soldier

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I Was a Soldier
Michael Grigsby
1970 - Grande-Bretagne - Couleur - 40'

For this - one of the first films to deal with the experiences of Vietnam vets returning home - Grigsby travelled to smalltown Texas, far from the liberal coastal areas where the anti-war demonstrations were taking place, and spoke to three men who had recently returned. The film is quietly sympathetic toward these men, reflecting in its gaps the difficulty they have articulating their experiences; the eloquent silences and landscapes are true markers of Grigsby's style.

Photography : David Wood
Sound : Peter Walker
Editing : Judy Seymour
Production : Granada Television
Distribution : ITV (dale.grayson@itv.com, +44 (0)84488 19052)