SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Flaky et Camarades - Le Cheval de fer
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Rediffusion Flaky et Camarades - Le Cheval de fer

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Flaky et Camarades - Le Cheval de fer
Pierre Gurgand, Marie-Jo Aiassa, Aaron Sievers
1978 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 90'

"Among the crew, some are using a camera for the first time to try to record, before its complete disappearance, the history of the coal mines. (...) The fragility of the images, between shots suffering from overexposure, bad focus and chaotic movement brings forth the human like a mirage." "(...) In the difficult breathing of silicosis affected voices, what persists above all is the memory of people like Faczynski, Flament, Jules and Marguerite Grare, the Debarge brothers, the laughter of Paul Beaulieu, the women of Polish miners, the resistant Moreels and the other union activists whose names remain unknown." (Aaron Sievers)

Author : Pierre Gurgand, Marie-Jo Aiassa
Photography : Gilles Bruné, Marie-Jo Aiassa, Pierre Gurgand
Sound : Pierre Gurgand, Marie-Jo Aiassa, Aaron Sievers, Céline Ballanger
Editing : Aaron Sievers, Julien Girardot, Céline Bellanger, Pedro Morais
Production : Film Flamme, Création
Distribution : Film Flamme (polygone.etoile@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)4 91 91 58 23)