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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Africa Autopsie d'une succession

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Autopsie d'une succession
Augustin Talakeana
2009 - Togo/France - Couleur - 52'

The sudden death of President Eyadema on February 5th, 2005, triggered a severe social and political crisis in Togo. Driven by emotions and fear, the country’s leading forces decided to enforce hasty constitutional changes meant to ensure his succession. These political mistakes, made jointly by the Armed Forces, the Parliament, the Government and the leaders of radical opposition parties, had terrible consequences on the Togolese population’s daily lives.

Author : Luc Abaki
Photography : Emmanuel Lago
Sound : Koulinté Bayamina
Editing : Koulinté Bayamina, Annick Filley
Production : Zaradoc, Baga Images+, TV Nantes
Distribution : Zaradoc (ybillon@noos.fr, +33 (0)6 22 88 76 46)