SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Direction régionale des affaires culturelles
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Direction régionale des affaires culturelles

Direction régionale des affaires culturelles

With its professional meetings, workshops and screenings of documentary films, the États généraux du film documentaire in Lussas is an indispensable gathering for all the amateurs of this form of cinematic and audiovisual creativity, people from the profession and, of course, all those who love cinema.
There is no prize or competition at Lussas: people talk. It is the outstanding event for all those who produce, direct, see, think and love documentary and film. Professionals, film buffs, students, researchers and other curious people come together each summer in a warm and welcoming environment, located both a little on the edge of the world and so intensely at its heart.
This paradox is the key to one of the most precious of this festival’s attractions: as if, to better question the Real, to reflect on it, recapture it, it were necessary to take a step aside, to move away and find another angle of vision. While it is true that documentary film is organically inhabited by the Real, it is just as true that the author’s point of view and the images we are presented with form a filter that finally puts us at a distance from the Real, questions us, challenges our biases and invites us to be curious.
In this way, the États généraux du film documentaire, always attentive to the world’s transformations and new ways of looking at them, continue their reflection on documentary’s narrative structures and use of images through the seminars “The Right Methods” and “Battle of Images”.
Ardèche Images once again this year invites the public and professionals to learn, debate, analyse the currents at work within the cinema of reality. Let us plunge for the duration of a week into this universe so as to emerge from it enlightened, moved, shaken.
It will also provide the opportunity to acknowledge the work of Anne-Marie Luccioni who has ceaselessly passed the baton of this ambition, enriching our necessarily political gestures and ways of seeing.

Eric Bultel
Interim Head of the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles