SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Reform of the “Images de la diversité” fund
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Reform of the “Images de la diversité” fund

Reform of the “Images de la diversité” fund

Friday, 26 at 10:00 am, Salle Cinéma

Since 2007, the “Images de la diversité” Fund for the promotion of images of diversity, co-financed by the CNC and the CGET, has supported the writing, development, production, distribution and video publishing of cinematic, audiovisual or multimedia works that draw positive attention to immigrants and people of immigrant descent as well as populations from overseas and urban districts classed as priority concerns by the state’s urban policy.
After supporting the creation and public impact of more than 1,100 fiction, animation or documentary films, a reform of the Fund is under way in order to improve its mechanisms and make them easier to understand. By opening up criteria for access, the fund aims to focus on the promotion of new talents and new styles of high quality writing, to encourage a wider diversity of production and to address a public of creators and professionals from all horizons.

Presentation by Justine Côté (CNC, Service de la création).