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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Writing and developing a creative documentary

Writing and developing a creative documentary

Thursday 21 at 10:00 a.m., Cinema 1

For the eighth consecutive year, the CNC will organise a workshop on how to develop a documentary having received support from the Audiovisual Innovation Fund for creative documentary. Echoing the reform of the CNC support mechanism for documentary production, which aims to encourage the most creative approaches and to give more support to historical and scientific documentary, the workshop will be structured around the project Gens des blés written and directed by Harold Vasselin, produced by Eric Jarno (Pays des Miroirs / Tell Me Films) in coproduction with Bip TV and Normandie TV. This film received financial support from the regions of Haute and Basse Normandie and the Department of Calvados. Organised by Valentine Roulet, Head of the Creation Service at the CNC, the workshop will retrace the project's trajectory, from writing and development to production stage, and focus on the specifics of scientific films, questions with which Harold Vasselin is familiar both as a cineaste and as a researcher.

An independent artist and filmmaker, Harold Viasselin, born in 1955, is also a mining engineer and doctor of physics. After working as a researcher at the CNRS, he began making films in 1987.
Founded in 2007 and located in Basse-Normandie, Pays des Miroirs produces creative documentaries. In 2013, Eric Jarno and Laurent Alary created a sister-company in Paris: Tell Me Films.

“What's good wheat? What is an unwanted weed? The film focuses on the gestures between men and plants, questioning that particular relation between Humanity and Nature involved in the invention of the cultivated plant.”

Workshop led by Valentine Roulet (CNC).
With the participation of the director and the producer.