SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : An history of production: Capricci Films - L’âge d’or
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 An history of production: Capricci Films - L’âge d’or

An history of production: Capricci Films - L’âge d’or

Capricci is a film producer, distributor and publisher. Each of these activities is the prolongation of a single critical gesture which holds that criticism is not just a commentary but also calls for a commitment and a programme of action. To better defend works of cinema and their authors, we have chosen to distribute the films ourselves and to propose publications to accompany them.
The editorial policy of Capricci is resolutely and radically aimed at those passionate about cinema (Jean Eustache, Straub and Huillet, Robert Kramer, Pedro Costa, Albert Serra, Monte Hellman…). It aims also to present works created within the art world (Della Negra and Kinoshita, Voignier, Guerif, Siboni, Bullot…).

L'âge d'or is a production platform opened by Capricci Films in Marseille that gives young producers the possibility of developing their project by supplying them with the necessary logistical tools as well as a framework for collective reflection.

Capricci and L'âge d'or share a way of adapting their modes of production to the projects being developed, sometimes outside traditional funding mechanisms.

Wednesday, 24 at 2:30 pm, Room 1.

Presentation and debate on the films Les Mutants and La Fille du coyotte, in the presence of Elisabeth Pawlowski (L'âge d'or) et Thierry Lounas (Capricci Films).

Les Mutants
Feature length film under development by Alain Della Negra and Kaori Kinoshita.
Presentation of excerpts made during the first scouting missions (about forty minutes).

There are two possible scenarios for the future of humanity: the future as cyborg and the future as mutant. In their previous documentary, The Cat, the Reverend and the Slave, Alain Della Negra and Kaori Kinoshita questioned our future as a cyborg, our relationship to the machine through the virtual world of the on-line game Second Life. With Les Mutants, they propose to explore another vision, another future: that of the mutation of humanity within its natural environment. The transformation of certain capacities — of our biology, our senses... — and this at the dawn of a new era where the question of how to live differently is becoming unavoidable.

Summary of the project:
What face will humanity have tomorrow? Through meetings with idiosyncratic individuals and utopian communities, the film attempts to draw the portrait of a possible mutant human, a human whose body has transformed, with refined psychic capacities and increased knowledge of invisible worlds.

La Fille du coyotte
Feature length film under development by Jean-Charles Hue. Presentation of the film Carne Viva (2009, 96'). La Fille du coyote is the second episode of a first feature film, Carne Viva, where Jean-Charles Hue drew a kaleidoscopic portrait of Tijuana, border town between Mexico and the USA. The point of departure of this project is the famous painting by Pierre Bruegel, Dulle Griet (1563). Summary of the project: "In this painting by Pierre Bruegel the elder, Griet crosses the ruins of a city at war, stealing all the objects she can find from under the noses of the rapists and looters plunged in their alcohol, the blood of beasts or between the thighs of a bourgeoise conquered at the edge of a sword. Griet fills her bag with loot that she wants to trade on the other side of the heavy gates of the city in flames. She does not steal in hell but at the gates of hell. But for what does Griet hope to trade her treasure and with whom?!" (Jean-Charles Hue)