SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Rhône-Alpes
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Rhône-Alpes

Direction régionale des affaires culturelles Rhône-Alpes

The États généraux du film documentaire at Lussas is a major event in the life of French documentary.

Documentary film is indeed in perpetual transformation, reflecting the upheavals of the world surrounding us and evolving at the speed of digital technology which unceasingly opens new horizons. But documentary film is not only reflecting and adapting to outside situations. It has its own life which points out other ways of apprehending the real and of exploring technology. Hence, of course, the very particular attention that directors pay to documentary screenwriting.

This new edition of the États généraux du film documentaire will allow us to see and hear, analyse and think, exchange and argue in order to better understand how documentary reflects and transforms the real, how documentary uses and modifies digital techniques.

Documentary film allows us to analyse the world differently. With the États généraux, centred on documentary screenwriting, Ardèche Images invites us to debate and partake of critical exploration. Let us prove ourselves capable of suspending time, stopping the endless flow of images to better understand how the world turns.

Alain Lombard
Regional Director of Cultural Affairs