SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes

Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes

Each year more than sixty festivals devoted to cinema enrich the cultural life of the Rhône-Alpes region. From Ardèche to Haute-Savoie, via Isère or Rhône, these festivals highlight short or feature length films, documentaries, cinema from Africa, Latin America or Europe, inviting young or confirmed directors and film-makers. Each one, in our eyes, is of particular significance. At the same time, all these events underline our unique heritage, that of the Lumière Brothers who, more than a century ago, made the first film at the gates of their factories. These festivals are the consecration of our Region's commitment to support and structure the entire field of professional film, from production to distribution and marketing. All of these festivals contribute to making Rhône-Alpes a great region for cinema!
Les Etats généraux du film documentaire at Lussas in Ardèche are fully part of the events that breathe life into film in the region. For several years the region has contributed its support. From August 22 to 28 will take place the twenty-second edition of this festival, which maintains its particularity in that it is non-competitive and especially attached to stimulating meetings and experience, to encouraging reflection on the evolution of cinema and also its history. I wish to salute the work of the association Ardèche Images which, parallel to the festival, has encouraged the development of a series of activities in relation with documentary film. I also wish to congratulate the volunteers who do not spare their efforts to make this event a success. Finally, I wish to all a good stay in our region and an excellent festival!

Jean-Jack Queyranne
President of the Rhône-Alpes Region
Deputy for the Rhône – Former Minister