SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Scam - Workshop on royalties
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Scam - Workshop on royalties

Scam - Workshop on royalties

Thursday, 26 at 5:15 pm, Room 1

Documentary directors are often more interested by their creative work than by the legal and economic conditions governing the exploitation of their films. However, when confronted with a problem, many authors turn to the Scam for advice. To avoid problems, it is important to ask the right questions ahead of time.

That is why the Scam proposes royalty workshops to allow creators to learn the A.B.C. of their rights and better understand the rules governing the protection, production and exploitation of a documentary.

- Who is the author?
- What contract to sign?
- What are the essential clauses?
- How are royalties paid?
- What is the role of the Scam?

Come raise your questions.

Coordination : Workshop moderated by Leïla Benichou, legal adviser at the Scam, with Guy Seligmann, President of the Scam. Information: Stéphane Joseph: +33 (0)6 82 90 01 93.