Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 CNC


Writing and developing a creative documentary

The workshop initiated by the CNC around the process of developing a documentary will be organised this year around the project En quête du jasmin by Alain Ughetto produced by Alexandre Cornu (Les Films du Tambour de Soie, Marseille).
This film received aid from the Audiovisual Innovation Aid Fund in the framework of the reinforced development programme set up by the CNC on an experimental basis in 2008 in dialogue with the Documentary Organisations Network (ROD Réseau des Organisations du Documentaire), and prolonged this year for a second session. This programme has as its aim to support the most creative and singular projects which, in order to win the support of financial partners and in particular broadcasters, must go beyond the stage of scenario and present a first cut.

A damp cellar, a disembowelled cardboard box and there, in the middle of this utter chaos, reels of Super 8 film abandoned for the last thirty years... And his letters, to her... the words of Jasmin... Through the writing, the sketches, the personal archives and the play dough characters of his first animated films, Alain Ughetto plunges back into a love story which had as its context Iran and the Islamic revolution.
This film is a work in progress being built step by step... For two months, Alain Ughetto shut himself up in his Estaque Workshop, in the middle of his blue and pink characters, the magical sets which evoke Teheran at night... He patiently built a sketch of what his film will allow us to see. From one workshop to another, from Marseille to Lussas, we will speak of the work under way, we will show images, still, animated, rushes, raw material, readings perhaps... We will also talk about the search for funds on such an atypical project. A reflection in movement, waiting for your reactions, your reflections, so as to continue nourishing ours.