SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES : Café ciné
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Café ciné

Café ciné

Tuesday, 21 at 7.30 pm, Thursday, 23 at 8.30 pm

Tuesday, August 21 at 7.30 pm
Let’s play at speaking all languages, or let’s play at not understanding any of them, let’s learn the idioms, listen to the nuances, accents, mistakes and florid outbursts. Looking at the language which is spoken, we see in it the play of social relations, identities, hierarchies and rebellions.
It only takes a few minutes and a common language for the aristocrats and workers of La Grande Illusion to recognize each other completely, as completely separate. Elsewhere, it only takes a sentence from each of the characters for one to be from the South, the other from the North, one from the centre, the other from the periphery, for all the oppressions, the walls of power as well as their breaches to become visible. It just takes an inflection, the trace of a dialect, a turn of phrase or a subversion of words to know more than what is being said. And to see more in the movements of filmed beings, ways of addressing the camera, the struggle with or against a language. Expression. The cinelanguages, languages become cinema, making perceptible the complexity of links between men, territories, stories and histories.

Multiple Eyes
Thursday, August 23 at 8.30 pm
Multiple “eyes” survey a vast space. Everything must be seen, from everywhere. Nothing must escape. Multiple cameras, views which sweep over wide fields: crossfires of complementary axes, the banishment of blind spots, total control. A ghost is about, that of Dr Mabuse. The ubiquitous overseer, the ultimate controler. With the support of excerpts from documentary and fiction, we will exchange thoughts and questions about multi-cameras, split screen, surveillance video approaches to recording visuals: the devices or the incarnation of the registers of power.

Guests : Présentés par Marie-Pierre Duhamel-Muller et François Christophe, Irina Leimbacher.
Remerciements à Elisabeth Lequeret et Charlotte Garson.