Catalogue des films de « François Waledish »

Coordonnées :

21 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Hôtel Machine
Son | France | 2016

The Mayflower in Beyrouth, the Ukraine Hotel in Kiev, the Peace Hotel in Mogadishu... These hotels accommodated most of the journalists who reported on the conflicts in these cities. A “war hotel” is the place from which war is looked at,...

Addis nocturne
Son | France | 2015

Tout est affaire de rythme à Addis-Abeba. Le rythme des pas de course à l’aube, celui des pas de danse, des chants et des percussions une fois la nuit tombée. "Addis Nocturne", c’est un mouvement perpétuel, une pulsation de métronome qui...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Objectif femmes
Son | France | 2015

If some women photographers are today considered as stars, belonging to an international artistic category, most of them are unknown to the general public. Only a handful is mentioned in photographic encyclopaedias, and exhibitions of their work...

Rwanda, la surface de réparation
Son | France | 2014

Eugène Murangwa, the former goalkeeper of the most popular club in Rwanda and national team, survived the genocide thanks to his team-mates. More than 15 years after leaving the country, Eugène returns to his native land to pass on the values of...

Des livres et des nuages
Son | France, Italie | 2013

In a lost village in the Peruvian Andes a young girl is waiting for the new books to arrive. They are carried in a rucksack by a librarian, walking in the mountains, between the sky and the clouds. Rural libraries in Peru are made up of a few...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Murmures de la terre
Son | France | 2013

"Les Murmures de la terre" est un documentaire dont le point de vue adopté est celui de la terre, de la surface des sols et des matériaux qui en sont issus et qui dessinent le caractère propre des gens de l’Anjou. Du plus jeune au plus âgé,...

Maurizio Pollini, de main de maître
Son | France | 2013

There were several compelling reasons to make a film portrait of Maurizio Pollini (b. 1942): his immense talent as a pianist, his rare personality, his affability, intelligence and the desire he himself expressed to submit to this exercise for the...

La Spira
Son | France | 2012

Spira Mirabilis est composé d’une quarantaine de jeunes musiciens appartenant à seize nationalités différentes. Insatisfaits de ce qu’est devenue la vie musicale classique, ils ont choisi de se réunir tous les deux mois pour étudier...

Un homme médiocre en cette époque de prétendus surhommes
Son | France | 2012

Bandinelli, a young Italian intellectual and aristocrat, sees the triumph of fascism. Nothing in his refusal of government and withdrawal from society seems to destine him to play a role in the fascist regime. But he is called upon to be the...

Music Is My Way
Son | France | 2011

Presented in the form of a “note” book, filmmaker and musician Frank Cassenti evokes the creation of the Porquerolles Jazz Festival that is celebrating its tenth anniversary. The festival was the dream of a group of jazz enthusiasts who wanted...

21 films