ames errantes
Wandering Soul
Boris Lojkine
2005 - 84 min - DV Cam - France

Thirty years after the Vietnam War, two Vietnamese veterans set out to find the bodies of their comrades in order to return them to their families and thus accomplish their ultimate duty towards their brothers-in-arms who died in combat. But so much time has passed...
Places have changed, bodies have been moved and the families in question don’t always want to stir up old history. The two men go from disappointment to disappointment, until they meet Mrs. Tiêp, the widow of their comrade Luu.


Distributor : Shellac
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : Les Films du paradoxe


2007 - L'Ombre de l'homme, Poindimié (Nouvelle-Calédonie) : Sélection
2006 - Docaviv, Tel-Aviv (Israël) : Mention spéciale du jury
2006 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Sélection
2006 - Cinéma du réel, Paris (France) : Compétition Internationale
2006 - FIPA (Festival international de programmes audiovisuels), Biarritz (France) : Sélection