Catalogue des films de « Serguej Loznitsa »

Coordonnées :

17 films
Une nuit à l'opéra
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | France | 2020

À partir d’images d’archive, Sergei Loznitsa revisite les soirées de Gala organisées au Palais Garnier pendant les années 50 et 60. Entre prestige et protocole, ces soirées mobilisaient tant les célébrités que les badauds qui venaient...

Auteur-Réalisateur, Image | Allemagne | 2016

There are places in Europe that have remained as painful memories of the past – factories where humans were turned into ash. These places are now memorial sites that are open to the public and receive thousands of tourists every year. The...

The Event
Auteur-Réalisateur | Pays-Bas, Belgique | 2015

In August 1991 a failed coup d’état attempt (known as Putsch) led by a group of hard-core communists in Moscow, ended the 70-year-long rule of the Soviets. The USSR collapsed soon after, and the tricolour of the sovereign Russian Federation...

Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | Ukraine | 2014

Maidan chronicles the civil uprising against the regime of president Yanukovych that took place in Kiev (Ukraine) in the winter of 2014. The film follows the progress of the revolution: from peaceful rallies, half a million strong, in the Maidan...

The Old Jewish Cemetery
Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage | Pays-Bas, Lettonie | 2014

Sergei Loznitsa recreates the disquieting strangeness of a place through its most obvious appearance: a Riga park which we sense, given the handful of passengers getting of the streetcar serving it, is far from the centre. The editing delivers the...

Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage | Russie | 2011

In a magnificent black and white, where the halo surrounding the white recalls coun- tryside mists and the ghostlike quality of the characters, a group of men and women go about their daily work... stroking a cow lingering near the steps of a...

Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage | Allemagne, Russie, Ukraine | 2008

"Revue" is based on archive propaganda newsreels produced in the USSR in the fifties and sixties. The film shows the almost forgotten side of the Soviet times and the way of thinking at that period. It explores the life of people all across the...

La Lumière du Nord
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | France | 2008

Just before winter cloaks everything in the Arctic night, a few hours of daylight linger in late autumn in the village of Sumskoy Posad, one thousand kilometres north of Saint Petersburg, in Karelia, on the shores of the White Sea. Linked to the...

artel1 Artel
Auteur-Réalisateur | Russie | 2006

A day in the life of a small fisher community on the White Sea, called Artel. Simplicity, effort, time and work are present in their routine. The possibilities of everyday life and the people's needs.

blockade1 Le Siège
Auteur-Réalisateur, Montage | Russie | 2005

Des images d'archives, longtemps tenues secrètes, témoignent du quotidien et de la souffrance de la population civile durant le siège de Leningrad (1941-1944). Le son du film a été entièrement refait par Vladimir Golovnitsky.

17 films