Maison du documentaire

Catalogue des films

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14961 films
Near Heaven, Near Earth
Jørgen Leth, Ole John | Danemark | 1968 | 26 mn

Autumn 1967. Jørgen Leth and Ole John left for Nepal to film hippies who had settled down on a piece of land and proclaimed it a free State. The hippies plod around like marionettes in a fantastic setting of Buddhist temples and local populace....

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Ophelia's Flowers
Jørgen Leth | Danemark | 1968 | 7 mn

Ophelia's suicide sololoquy is staged by a forest pond again the backdrop of a stretched piece of blue fabric gently quivering in the accidental breeze. A few years earlier, Jørgen Leth and Per Kirkeby had put on a highly stylised production of...

Europa 1900
Eric M. Nilsson | Suède | 1968 | 25 mn

The history of luxury and art through documentary images from an exhibition of art and objects from La Belle Époque. Eric M. Nilsson's favourite film.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment En skola
Eric M. Nilsson | Suède | 1968 | 44 mn

L'école anthtroposophe ”Rudolf Steiner” à Stockholm.

Por primera vez
Octavio Cortázar | Cuba | 1967 | 10 mn

A mythic documentary describing the impressions of a group of peasants who discover film for the first time thanks to the Mobile Cinema Units created by the ICAIC which managed to project films in isolated areas where cinema had never been. We...

Ciels de Hollande
John Fernhout | Pays-Bas | 1967 | 21 mn

Les formations changeantes de nuages paisibles, blancs ou menaçants au-dessus des polders, rivières, champs de tulipes, villages et villes néerlandais sont aussi spectaculaires que la belle campagne hollandaise. Elles font partie des paysages...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Eleonoras testamente
Eric M. Nilsson | Suède | 1967 | 17 mn

Un film vrai sur un memsonge...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Jean Renoir, le patron
Jacques Rivette | France | 1966 | 90 mn

In a bistrot beside the Marne, Jean Renoir and Michel Simon have a long sentimental conversation together. The discussion deals mainly - through memories of the making of "La Chienne", "Boudu sauvé des eaux", etc... and many anecdotes - with the...

hermanslobe Herman Slobbe
Johan Van der Keuken | Pays-Bas | 1966 | 27 mn

This second film on blind children follows one young boy in particular. Upon reaching puberty, Herman Slobbe needs to struggle against his environment in order to carve out a path for himself. At a given point, Herman takes over the microphone...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Panier à viande
Jacqueline Veuve, Yves Yersin | Suisse | 1966 | 22 mn

Film documentaire ethnographique sur le "bouchoyage" dans une ferme vaudoise, Le Désert sur Lausanne. Le jour du "bouchoyage", jour sacré et de grand travail, le boucher ambulant – ou "tzacaion" – vient tuer le cochon avec ses propres...

14961 films