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Continents-Zones géogr. > Amérique > Amérique du Sud > Brésil

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

517 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Amazonie
Erling Söderström | France | 1997 | 52 mn

At the border between Brazil, Peru and Paraguay, deep into the Amazonian forest, there live a still unknown people : the Korubos. They fight fiercely for their survival and defend bitterly their territory with their traditional arms. Sidney...

La Samba
Jean-Claude Guiter | France | 1997 | 52 mn

The samba which emerged in the early twentieth century in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Bahia is primarily dance-oriented music. Since that time, all the major lyricists and composers of Brazilian music have played and sung sambas. This genre...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Segura Peao : tiens bon Pene !
Jean-Claude Guiter | France | 1997 | 50 mn

One of the most popular Brazilian show is taking place in a small town called Barretos and is assembling more then 1 million people. This fair goes on for 10 days and is playing a tribute to the "peaos boiadeiros", the Brazilian cow-boys who made...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Sac du pouvoir
Alejandro Valenti | France | 1997 | 57 mn

In Brazil, just before the industrial revolution, coffee is so important in the economy that after the economic cycles of sugar canes and gold, it merges as the new basic product of the country. Ranking second after petrol in the world trade...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sem Terra
Jean Timmermann | Belgique | 1997 | 52 mn

In the Brazilian Amazon, the agrarian issue is more than ever a topical subject. The pressure by the landless peasants increases and opposes them to the landowners of the latifundios and the police force. The peasants don't have a choice and...

Les Fils du vent
Soly Levy | France | 1996 | 56 mn

Brazilian society have made street kids the public enemy number 1. In Rio de Janeiro, there is a murder per hour. They are between four and ten thousand children sleeping in the street. Most of them are Blacks, from poor social background. Every...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Marco Zero
Albert Knechtel | France | 1996 | 70 mn

Xuxa is 18. For the past nine years he's lived in the streets of São Paulo. To him, the third largest city in the world is a hell-hole. His daily life consists of stealing - or doing nothing or participating in one of the numerous projects...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Terezinha
Fatima Sampaio, André Ligeon-Ligeonnet | France | 1996 | 42 mn

Terezinha, aged 10, was on her way to school one day when she was killed by a stray bullet in the Pirambu district of Fortaleza, in Brazil, during a fight between rival gangs... This film examines the way of life of these child gangs. The...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Santa Maria des oiseaux
Sylvain Luini, Roger Le Guen | France | 1996 | 50 mn

An island as big as Switzerland... in Brazil, situated just below the Equator, where the Amazone meets the Ocean, a place of wind and rain. The combination of these elements gatters together multiple forms of life. The wet season is almost over...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Surfavela
Joaquim Pinto | France, Portugal | 1996 | 40 mn

Four young "Blacks" in Rio de Janeiro's favelas there are few alternatives : a life of underpaid casual work or fast money and a short life as a cocaine trade soldier. But Berzo, a former shoe shine boy, saw a way to escape the destiny of the...

517 films