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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

4960 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Ginette
Léa Bosquet | Belgique | 2000 | 23 mn

This video is the last important "event" in the life of Ginette Guigui. This little piece of history is situated at the end of a life without spotlights or recognition, the life of an immigrant among so many others... Ginette left Tunisia during...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Pas perdus
Marjolaine Grandjean | Belgique | 2000 | 26 mn

The Brussels army museum is used a setting, a place where an ordinary fire extinguisher takes the shape of a canon or a gun, or where a drill turns into a machine gun. A place where memories fade, where the past is never quite the past, where we...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Je m'appelais Wilkinson
Lode Desmet | Belgique | 2000 | 27 mn

Ploegsteert, January 2000. A tractor brought to surface the bones of a soldier who disappeared during the First World War. Patrick, an amateur archaeologist, identifies the corpse : it appears to be Harry Wilkinson, a British soldier from the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Addio Lugano bella
Francesca Solari | Suisse, Allemagne | 2000 | 70 mn

It is a tale in the present, which beats a path through the memories of the past. The characters play their own roles between documentary and fiction. Oreste Scalzone, convicted in Italy, exiled to France, is the incarnation of the subversive...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sam 62021
Dan Botbol | Belgique | 2000 | 11 mn

One by one, they disappeared... An entire generation that had known only one thing : suffering. An entire generation whose sole escape was death. Auschwitz-Birkenau, Sobidor, Treblinka : as many places, as many witnesses relating the suffering of...

Aéroflot, la flotte de l'empire
Bernard Louargant | France | 2000 | 26 mn

For the first time in the history, the collapse of an empire is read on the earth as in the sky. The aeroflot, yesterday, it was the red Army twice, 6 000 planes, 10,000 helicopters, 65,000 pilots subjected to an authority without...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Wild Blue
Thierry Knauff | Belgique | 2000 | 68 mn

Such as a travel book, "Wild Blue" is a succession of life fragments. Punctuated with women voices, this film gives the place to children, trees and winds such as musical patterns. This variation creates an evocation of a world wounded by civil...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Lettre à nos cousins
Perrine Ledan | Belgique | 2000 | 60 mn

Despite the passage of time, the effects of war weight heavily on a country. After having spent three years in Lebanon, the director wanted to show the consequences of a 17-year civil war through local testimonies. Following Lebanese people, both...

Jour des frites
Thomas Sipp | France | 2000 | 7 mn

Le 3 septembre 2003, la veille de ses 90 ans, Pierre Weiner est décédé des suites de la canicule. Je l'avais filmé une première fois en 1995 dans sa papeterie, avenue de la République ("ACD"), une seconde fois en 2000 dans le jardin de sa...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Ein Besuch bei Kafkas Nichte
Hans-Gerd Koch, Hanns Zichler | Allemagne | 2000 | 52 mn

Portrait de Franz Kafka en travers les souvenirs de une de ses nièces, Marianne Steiner.

4960 films