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Sciences humaines > Anthropologie

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

536 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Moken, l'aventure birmane d'un ethnologue
Léo Scomorovschi, Guillaume Juherian | France | 2003 | 78 mn

Ce documentaire relate le périple de 28 jours d'un ethnologue à travers l’archipel de Mergui, à la recherche des emblèmes de la culture Moken qui seront pour la première fois collectés et montrés au public. À titre exceptionnel, Jacques...

wora1 Wora, l'esprit contemporain
Lizette Lemoine | France | 2003 | 52 mn

Wora cotemporary spirit, is a short anthropological treatise on the wisdom of Native American Indians through the eyes of the band Yaki Kandru. The Colombian musician and ethnologist, Jorge Lopez P., in political exil in France for over 20 years,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Mystère des Secheques
Alain Dumas | France | 2003 | 42 mn

This pseudo-documentary is based on the testimony of the film director André Delmas who was confronted with some sensational information : in the coastal desert in the north of Peru, he is alleged to have come into contact with a man who...

Tarahumaras 2003 - La Fêlure du temps
Raymonde Carasco-Hébraud | France | 2003 | 82 mn

This film in the shape of a saga is built around the words of the last Tarahumara shaman who agreed in the spring of 2000 to speak his thoughts in the course of several dialogues with the film-maker on the places chosen by him : ruins of his...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Joie du feu
Christine Djankoff | France | 2003 | 36 mn

Essai d'anthropologie visuelle et sonore dans le cadre d'un doctorat d'ethnologie (Croyance en l'incombustibilité et sa manifestation directe). "La Joie du feu", esquisse d'un personnage de danseuse sur les braises – Vessa la "nestinarka",...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Mi-hommes, mi-bêtes
Gérald Caillat | France | 2003 | 52 mn

Movies have always questioned man’s relationship to animal kingdom. How are you so close yet so far from us? How can one distinguish the element of humanity in animals and of bestiality in man? Where is the fine line between the two? Who are...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Machines humaines
Éric Briat | France | 2003 | 52 mn

Cinema is intimately linked to the model of an industrial and mechanised society. In the burlesque tradition, this spirits is obvious; the first slapstick comedies are an orgy of jubilant catastrophes with the total destruction of inexhaustible...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Vivants et les Morts
Pierre-Henry Salfati | France | 2003 | 52 mn

A poetic and entertaining evocation of the living dead in cinema. In real life, we die slowly. In cinema, it’s the opposite: whereas heroes are immortal, the rank and file die fast and hard, leaving the field open new battle scenes, duels and...

destination-ostula Destination Ostula
Augustin Viatte | France | 2003 | 52 mn

In 1948, the historian François Chevalier explores with a mule an isolated area of the Pacific Mexican Coast, the lower Michoacan. In his exploration of this wild nature, he meets the Indian community from Ostula in conflict with the White and...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Maison de Mariata
Gaëlle Vu, Mariata Abdallah | France | 2003 | 70 mn

"Mariata's house" is placed under the Chinese ideogram sign "an" , that can be translated by peace, calm, rest. This ideogram is composed by both primary elements: the roof above the woman. The woman is Mariata. The idea of the roof is given by...

536 films