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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

4234 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Portrait d'une dame dans un musée
Raffaelle Morelli | France | 1996 | 50 mn

For 47 years, Miss Rosine Thomas relived the history of the Grévin Museum. Now that she is retiring, she visits "her" museum with us, by rummaging through the wax figure "paintings" and through the archives of her memory. The museum becomes the...

Le Bal des veuves
Damien Fritsch | France | 1996 | 61 mn

Every year, carnival time has its procession of celebrations, parades and balls. In Munster, in the region of Alsace, a ball with a strange name takes place : the Widows' Ball. This ball has kept up a particularity for 30 years. Disguised and...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Code parisien
Ivan Dimitrijevic | France | 1996 | 21 mn

Saboslava was a very famous pianist in Yugoslavia. As a mother she was not able to pursue her career as she would have liked. Today she lives in a garret in Paris.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Grande Maison
Sandrine Dewez | France | 1996 | 22 mn

In the labyrinth of the Sainte-Marthe block, Kheira the caretaker finds her way again.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Madame la principale
Emmanuel Laborie | France | 1996 | 14 mn

Mademoiselle Bernadie is the assistant headmistress of a medium-sized secondary school in the South of France. When school next goes back she will be retired. Truant, forged signatures.. she has seen it all. Violence in schools ? Here, that is...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sylvie
Martine Thoquenne | France | 1996 | 60 mn

"Sylvie is thirty years old and lives in Cambrai. Her view of life is totally alien to ours for she is mentally handicapped. Sylvie is my sister. It is "her" that I see, rather than her handicap. The film's viewpoint ignores her limits to give...

Catherine Bernstein | France | 1996 | 58 mn

These German women were studying in the same classroom during the Nazi era. They are now 80 years old and the director's grandmother is one of them. The documentary shows how these women shared stories about that era and how all of them, in their...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À fleur de peau
Eve Heinrich | France | 1996 | 52 mn

Women under microscope... Secret passageways towards the imaginary world of the body. What happens in the confinement of our bathrooms ? What is the secret of this never-ending battle to which we surrender daily ? Across several portraits of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Une fille de la terre, Vandana Shiva
Radha Hola, Shazia Ilmi | France | 1996 | 26 mn

In India, Hymalayan women who are determined to safeguard the forests create the "Chipko" movement. A trained nuclear physicist, Vandana Shiva (winner of the right Livelihood Award) has joined and made them famous for denouncing the excessive...

noir La Nouvelle Vie de Bénédicte
Jean-Michel Carré | France | 1996 | 52 mn

To be able to afford her daily drugs, Bénédicte has been a prostitute for many years. The film-maker Jean-Michel Carré met her while shooting his earlier documentary on prostitutes "Les Trottoirs de Paris" in which she accepted to talk about...

4234 films