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Continents-Zones géogr. > Afrique > Afrique de l'Ouest > Mali

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

310 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Jinèbana
Benoît Keller | France | 1996 | 52 mn

Some diseases are interpreted in Malia as the intervention of spirits of the bush (jinè) above human people. Siga is an healer well-known in her bambara country, because she's the leader of a cult of possession in which people comes to be...

L'Azalaï, la caravane de l'or blanc
Joël Calmettes | France | 1996 | 52 mn

The Azalaï is the last of the great Saharan salt caravans. Leaving Timbuktu with a hundred camels or more the caravans travels 900 kilometers from the north across unmarked desert to the salt mines of Taoundenit. Here miners hack out salt from...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Au village, une école
Françoise Fabre, Marie-Louise de Burette | France | 1996 | 28 mn

The Diataya and Salamou school in Mali, a village school financed by immigrant workers in France and managed by the villagers, has been functioning since 1989. The villagers, immigrants, teachers and pupils, all testify to the changes the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Une femme du Sahel, Aminata Traore
Farida Benlyazid | France | 1996 | 26 mn

A woman of the Sahel, Aminata Traore, takes us through the streets of Bamako, the Malian countryside, the beautiful Niger river. Although one of the poorest countries in Africa, we discover a rich culture and people full of energy. She organizes...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Pères Blancs et Noirs Dogons
Pascal Barres | France | 1996 | 55 mn

When the Missionary Society of Africa was founded at the end of 19th century, its famous burrows were very prestigious. A century later, White Fathers are not more than a handle of unrecognized and neglected otherwise renounced. Father Du...

Louis Decque | France | 1996 | 52 mn

This documentary is about a particular aspect of the Bozo's life, a people of fishermen and builders, living on the shores of the Niger, in Mali. Their traditional houses, called "Saho", used to be traditional collective dwellings for teenagers....

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Falaise du diable
Jacques Dumas | France | 1996 | 42 mn

This film shows us the very particular life of the Dogons tribe, filled with strange beliefs, fetishist practices and mysterious rituals. These very primitives tribes live in the confines of Mali and Burkina Faso, in this 900 foot giant...

Bamako, les fils de Soundjata
Dominique Maestrali, David Desramé | France | 1996 | 52 mn

Proclaimed in the 13th century by Soundjata, founder of the Empire of Mali, the Manden charter is a surprising declaration : a true ancestor to the Declaration of Human Rights. What has become of the respect for the seven prescriptions of the...

salif-keita Salif Keita, citoyen ambassadeur
Jean-Pierre Limosin | France | 1996 | 49 mn

Using three pieces – Manjou, Africa and Folon – played before an enraptured audience, the film takes us to the sources of Salif Keita's inspiration : his family, the cross-breeding of his music and the African identity. His family is his...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Secret de la goyave
David Helft, Eva Santamaria | France | 1996 | 36 mn

A Bamako, parmi les mendiants on croise dans les rues des enfants qui ne sont ni élève coranique ni guide d’aveugle. Ils n’ont aucune attache particulière ; ils vivent de la rue et dans la rue, tout le temps. Enfants en déroute pour des...

310 films