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Loisirs > Voyage

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

1630 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Abira
Serge Dietrich | Belgique | 1995 | 12 mn

This is a world apart, both attractive and disappointing, one of the last surviving traditional trades. The bargeman, who lives on a barge as did his grand-parents and great-grand-parents before him, is one with his world even before he is...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Grand Voyage
Pascal Hittinger | France | 1995 | 52 mn

At the age of 64 a man weighs up his life. He has had a mad dream for a long time : to go on the great journey he has always dreamt of, to Tibet, Central Asia and Mongolia. What he wants is to go off to discover untrodden expanses, to rediscover...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À la recherche de l'oiseau blanc
Thomas De Thier | Belgique | 1995 | 39 mn

Can a bird make your head spin ? Not only when you watch its flight, but when you want to change the course of your life ? Thomas de Thier went to the other end of the world, to the New Guinea, to find the white bird, the endangered rose crested...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Les Vivants, les morts et ceux qui vont sur la mer
Gérard Jumel | France | 1995 | 55 mn

Nowadays, flash-in-the-pan trips pop-up in all parts of the world. There are the cruises to Cape Horn, iceberg tours, and even trips to the South Pole... The voyage has lost a lot of its savour, but there still exist those who appreciate it to...

middle Middle of the Moment
Nicolas Humbert, Werner Penzel | Allemagne, Suisse | 1995 | 76 mn

The essence of any experience, any moment, is to be found where people are in most intense contact with the place they occupy. And paradoxically, it is through a nomadic existence that one occupies a space the most intensely. Whether the nature of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Walk the Walk
Robert Kramer | France, Suisse | 1995 | 115 mn

FICTION Abel et Nellie, avec leur fille Raye, habitent en Camargue, à proximité des marais salants et des champs de riz. Abel est un ancien champion du 400 m, entraîneur d'une équipe locale ; Nellie est chercheuse en biologie, et Raye étudie...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment On est heureux, nationale 7
Philippe Baron | France | 1995 | 56 mn

"When we took the car to go South nothing was complicated, it was the summer holidays. The "Blue Guide Book" was blue, the yellows lines were yellow. Nothing was complicated. There were seven days in the week, the Seven Wonders of the world, "The...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Alexandre Soljenitsyne, le retour
Archie Baron | États-Unis | 1995 | 60 mn

Une équipe canadienne a suivi, au jour le jour, le périple effectué par Alexandre Soljenitsyne en 1994, lorsqu'après 20 ans d'exil forcé et l'éclatement de l'Union soviétique, il décida de rentrer au pays. Sans didactisme aucun, ce...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Sofia-Berlin
Vladimir Andreev | France | 1995 | 53 mn

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment La Route des Gitans
Jean-François Bizot, Olivier Mamberti | France | 1995 | 25 mn

1630 films