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Continents-Zones géogr. > Europe > Sardaigne

Catalogue des films par mot-clé

27 films
Domus de Janas
Myriam Raccah | Belgique, Italie | 2023 | 69 mn

A village in the Sardinian hinterland. While the drought is in full swing, old legends emerge from the territory, summoning characters and places suspended between two worlds. A painter goes to work, young people practice traditional songs, a...

Marta Anatra | France | 2023 | 70 mn

Une fleur au nom d'un démon, pousse secrètement sous les buissons, aux bords d'un énorme animal rouillé : le complexe industriel de Portovesme. Au ronronnement somnolent, ceci est dans un état de semi-abandon. Fabrizio se promène en...

Batiledhu - The Madman
Nicol Vizioli, Laura Delle Piane | France | 2022 | 30 mn

Every year, in a remote village in Sardinia, a ritual takes place. A man - Batiledhu (the madman) - is chosen by the villagers to embody Dionysos, wild God of nature and ecstasy, who dies and resurrects in the eternal cycle of life.

A Bolu
Davide Melis | Italie | 2019 | 100 mn

A BOLU is a choral tale, a journey through Sardinia, aimed at discovering one of the most authentic cultures of the island, pastoralism, which finds a synthesis and a genuine expression in tenor singing.

Hinter der Maske - Behind the Mask
Jutta Tränkle | Allemagne | 2018 | 54 mn

Once a year, a whole small town in Southern Germany is losing its mind. Strange sounds like bear roar are heard from behind the corners. Figures in disguise dance around a large fire and punch others with pig's bladder. Is this "cage aux folles"...

The Years
Sara Fgaier | Italie, France | 2018 | 20 mn

A woman gives voice to Annie Ernaux The years's text, a few collected fragments on the shores of a timeless Sardinia.

Camilla Tomsich | France | 2016 | 90 mn

Born of Stone
Emilio Bellu | République tchèque | 2016 | 15 mn

Completed just a few weeks before Sciola’s recent passing, Born of Stone is an immersion inside the sights and sound of remarkable artists, and inside his belief that stones are not just the material that gives shape to the universe, but that...

Moghen Paris – Und sie ziehen mit
Katharina Copony | Allemagne | 2016 | 61 mn

Ash Wednesday in a Sardinian mountain village. The local community celebrates an archaic and hauntingly anarchic carnival. A parade of egalitarian freedoms defiantly smashes all order. Multifaceted ensembles of animals, humans and objects...

Le Marteau, le Couteau et la Pierre
Antoine Orand, Tom Lebaron-Khérif | France | 2015 | 35 mn

27 films