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Catalogue des films par mot-clé

1544 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Chuchoteur et les Mustangs
Philippe Molins | France | 1998 | 52 mn

On the plains of Nevada, thousands of mustangs run free and wild. Catching and breaking one requires brute strength and persistence. But some ranchers have developed other ways to tame the mustang. These men are horse whisperers and one such is...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Cycle de la vie
Hiromishi Iwasaki | France, Japon | 1998 | 52 mn

Until recent times we were convinced that there was no life in the great depths of the oceans. Nothing could be more wrong. In the darkness of the ocean deeps 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 metres below the surface, there live the strangest of creatures,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Un équilibre fragile
Daisuke Takama, Eisuke Seki | France, Japon | 1998 | 52 mn

The toxic products that are poured into the sea are dispersed very quickly and, in just a few years, they can contaminate immense zones, very far removed from their point of departure. Moreover, this pollution is transmitted through the food chain...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Océans maudits
Kensuke Kishi | France, Japon | 1998 | 52 mn

Diving to discover the strange creatures that inhabit the seas and the mysterious phenomena that take place there. So we discover the megalodon, the alarming ancestor of our sharks, whose size and voracity could easily have influenced the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Pacte avec les girafes
Isabelle Roumeguère | France | 1998 | 26 mn

Yvonnick Le Pendu, a passionate young French researcher, has been in Niger for two years studying the last population of giraffes in West Africa. He is taking part in the training of local guide-naturalists in the context of an ecotourism...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Polders, les noces de la terre, de l'eau et du ciel
Claudio Serughetti | Belgique, France | 1998 | 40 mn

A product of man's age-old struggle against nature, the polders are stretches of land that have been reclaimed from the sea. The sight of them can create a state of deep meditation, as no other landscape in the world better reveals the marriage of...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Gens d'à bord
Christian Paureilhe | France | 1997 | 26 mn

Three couples who have been boatmen from father to son for several generations, all from the village of Alsatian boatmen, Offendorf (Bas-Rhin), live and work on their boat to the rhythm of the loading and unloading. Three couples, three boats,...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Cienaga Grande
Carlos Rendón Zipagauta | France, Belgique, Colombie | 1997 | 52 mn

Situated in North-East Colombia, on the Caribbean coast, the Cienaga Grande, because it is so extensive, is the second biggest zone of marshland in the world after the Everglades in Florida. It is also one of the last natural paradises on the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Mission "Expresso"
Jean-François Ternay | France | 1997 | 18 mn

"Expresso" (Experiment for regional sources and sinks of oxidants) is the name of an international mission whose objective was to study the emissions of the tropical ecosystems and their transformation in the lower atmosphere which leads to the...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Taïga, terre des chamans
Marc Garanger, Catherine Garanger | France | 1997 | 52 mn

In the heart of the Russian federation there is the world's pole of cold. It drops to minus 73 degrees in winter, often more than thirty degrees in the middle of summer. In this Far-Eastern Siberia, covered by an immense forest, the taïga, lives...

1544 films